EverSmart Airport icon

Taking flight:

EverSmart risk solutions for airport terminals


EverSmart solutions bring cost and labor savings as they mitigate reputational risk and improve customer experience

In the world’s best airports, as in the most famous stadiums, universities, hospitals and entertainment venues, EverSmart data insights are transforming facilities operations.

Turning your terminals into smart spaces

EverSmart Space

EverSmart Washroom

EverSmart Washroom allows supervisors to enforce brand standards to avoid a serious risk to customer loyalty by group sourcing preventative alerts on leaks, clogs and supply shortfalls before they damage property or reputations.

EverSmart Clean

EverSmart Leak Detection

EverSmart Leak protects your assets from the No. 1 driver of damage costs and claims loss in large infrastructure: plumbing, appliances, HVAC and roof leaks that can shut down operations and costs tens of thousands of euros to repair.

EverSmart Air

EverSmart Rodent

EverSmart Rodent is disrupting traditional Pest Control methods by remotely providing 24/7 alerts on rodent activity, allowing pest control professionals to provide service when its needed and not on an inflexible rotation. This means fewer site visits, less rodenticide use and a lowered carbon footprint.

Raising the bar at airport terminals

EverSmart Washroom

For the many industries in retail, restaurant and hotels who operate without contracted cleaning services, EverSmart Washroom allows site supervisors to enforce brand standards to avoid a serious risk to customer loyalty.  We’ve all had to endure filthy or malfunctioning washroom facilities at one point or another. But as a business owner, facilities manager or just the person responsible for holding things together, you don’t have to tolerate it anymore. 

EverSmart Washroom helps identify leaks, clogs and supply shortages before they become acute problems.

Return on Investment

Safety and wellness


In a study for Bradley Industries, over 89% of workers reported that the physical environment in which they work is directly correlated with the value they believe their employer places on them.

EverSmart solutions deliver the data that underpins this kind of reassurance, boosting retention rates, productivity and employee morale.

Staff who feel good about their jobs are inspired to serve others. Taking care of your workers, in other words, is part of taking care of business. 

A survey of 4,000+ workers in the US, UK, UAE and Singapore found:

– 71% of workers believe more workplace technology would help them better manage their well-being

– 61% believe workplace technology could help them better manage their mental health

– 80% would like their employer to user anonymized health and environmental data to improve safety, health and wellness

–– Is Technology Keeping Workers Healthy or Making them Ill? Aetna Intl, June 2020

EverSmart – by industry

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